website of the event/ symposia / streaming media presentations at e-lab
performance by mukul (sound), voldemars (sound), sara (VR QT), manu (VR QT) at casablanca club, riga.[realvideo ACOUSTIC SPACE LAB VR, 14min] [introduction in Latvian language by Rasa Smits] [sound only recording of live performance / realaudio] graphics by paul khera.
article by mukul. published in WIRE sept.issue
RENUMBER [download mp3 /12 MB]
"Renumber is comprised entirely of manipulations of a satellite phone conversation (probably ship-to-shore) intercepted by Makrolab on analogue INMARSAT channels during I used a one-minute section from an AIFF file that had already been cleaned up by Derek Holzer. The track was made using cut&paste, step sequencing and some basic digital signal processing and effects. No additional synthesis or samples were used." mukul[at]ambientTV.NET (anokha/
[photos of participants] and [photos of ambienttv at VIRAC] of workshop at Ventspils Radioteleskop. These pictures by Derek, Steve, Raitis and Manu show the artists while 'data gathering'.
radio programme by manu+mukul transmitted on 31.08.2001 / MATRIX, Oe1. german language only. [txt] [realaudio][link to MATRIX transcription]