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calendar 2010

festival participations & events by ambientTV.NET members, and open access activities at ambient space


PORTSMOUTH [UK]: Beyond Surveillance

Artistic strategies against video surveillance. A programme of short videos curated by Manu Luksch. Produced by videoclub, Brighton. Aspex Gallery, The Vulcan Building, Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth, PO1 3BF t:023 9277 8080


[online] ResoVision radio programme

ResoVision will be broadcasting live, presenting a programme of events, interviews and happenings from Frieze. Thurs, 2pm: Beyond Surveillance discussion anel with Ocean surveillance experts DR Matthew Gollock and Dr Kirsty Kemp from ZSL London, Simon Baker, Curator, Tate Modern, Honor Harger, Director, Lighthouse, and Manu Luksch


14.Oct.10 - 31.Jan.11

VIENNA: Platz da! / Make Space! European Urban Public Space.

To mark the 10th jubilee of the European Urban Public Space Awards the Architekturzentrum Wien is engaging with that often addressed and sometimes overplayed subject of Public Space.

Numerous questions are posed, from: What is public space? How does it arise and does it even still exist? Who does it belong to, what does it represent and who decides, for better or for worse, over public space? Who needs it and who is allowed to use it?' Is the issue still between private and public, or more about exclusion and inclusion? And finally: 'To what extent do built structures and social conditions impact on the negotiable possibilities? All of these questions are posed in the exhibition to represent the breadth of the various levels of discussion.

In addition a number of exceptional international projects are contrasted with a presentation of existing situations in Vienna, current artistic, interventionist and architectural positions, theoretical analyses of urban development and representations showing the production and negotiable possibilities of and for public spaces, with strategies of resistance and appropriation.

As part of the show's Videothek, FACELESS by Manu Luksch can be watched there.


WEST BROMWICH [UK]: Working Together: Partnerships, Regeneration and the Common Good in the Arts and Beyond

'Working Together' is the slogan on the hoardings of many construction sites that form part of the regeneration of West Bromwich, West Midlands. Together in this are local government and large corporations as well as charities and other voluntary and non-profit bodies, as has become typical across the UK and beyond in a development most recently captured in the new government's notion of 'Big Society'. (...) </p>
Contributors include: Steven Conolly (Town & Regional Planning, University of Sheffield), Karen Leach/John Morris (Localise West Midlands), Robin Pearson (local historian, tbc), and participating artists and researchers Cody Lee Barbour, David Berridge, Céline Siani Djiakoua, John Dummett, Anna Francis, Neil Gray, Michelle Letowska, Manu Luksch, Heather Ring, Leo Singer, Suzan Spence, Urban Research Collective & curator Monika Vykoukal. </P>

For further details please contact Chloe Brown (email or tel 0121 524 2127)



STYRIA [AT]: launch event of AUF DIE PLÄTZE, FERTIG – FILM! 13 x Projektionen in aller Öffentlichkeit

AUF DIE PLÄTZE, FERTIG – FILM! 13 x Projektionen in aller Öffentlichkeit </p>
Unter diesem Motto erobert in einem gemeinsamen Projekt von Diagonale und Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Steiermark Film/Video den öffentlichen Raum. Mit Miriam Bajtala, Annja Krautgasser, Manu Luksch und Jan Machacek wurden vier Filmschaffende beauftragt, Beiträge zum Thema „Öffentlicher Raum“ zu produzieren. Die entstandenen Arbeiten werden im Rahmen von einmaligen Screenings/Installationen von 6. – 18. Oktober 2010 in insgesamt 13 verschiedenen Gemeinden der Weststeiermark an ausgesuchten öffentlichen und privaten Fassaden zu sehen sein. Im Zentrum des Projekts steht die Bevölkerung vor Ort, unter deren aktiver Beteiligung derzeit die Dreharbeiten in den Gemeinden stattfinden. Mehr zum Projekt unter und

24.Sep.10 - 26.Sep.10

BLACK COUNTRY [UK]: Relationships / FIERCE

A weekend long mash-up of interaction, conversation, experiment, direct action and work in progress showings around the theme 'Relationships'. As part of FIERCE Festival.

23.Sep.10 - 30.Sep.10


As part of the ANIMATE! programme of animation shorts, Make it Snow! Make it Snow! Make it Snow!, a (very) short meditation on the manipulation of winter landscapes for tourism by Manu Luksch, will be screened at the Haifa International Film Festival 2010.

18.Sep.10 - 26.Sep.10

LONDON: Anti Design Festival

As a response to 25 years of cultural
deep freeze in the UK, the Anti Design
Festival will attempt to unlock creative
fires and ideas, exploring spaces hitherto
deemed out-of-bounds by a purely
commercial criteria.<P>
Created initially as a direct response to the pretty commerciality of the London
Design Festival, the festival will shift the focus from bums-on-seats to brain
food, and from taste and style to experiment and risk. The festival will provide
a rare space for unhindered exploration and creative opportunity, where ideas
may fail as equally as succeed.<P>
Directed by Neville Brody, the world-renowned graphic designer, the
festival will be curated by a select group of leading practitioners in
various fields.  
At multiple venues around Redchurch Street in London’s Shoreditch area, the festival
will incorporate exhibitions, installations, workshops, performances and talks in Art,
Design, Product, Film, Sound, Fashion, Performance, Print and Interactive.

10.Sep.10 - 18.Sep.10


Workshops led by Manu Luksch, which are part of the process of her project looking at the potential of the street and urban environment as learning environment...

10.Sep.10 - 10.Oct.10

PARIS: Big Brother is Watching You at l’Art de Rien

An exhibition scrutinising the effects of omnipresent social and surveillance media on the private-public fabric of society. Curated by Laurent Bardèche (Annexia / Lieu-Commun, Toulouse)


LONDON: Wimbledon Shorts

Short film festival featuring international works of high standard. Takes place at HMV Curzon, Wimbledon. With Manu Luksch involved as judge. For details, follow link below.

24.Jun.10 - 26.Jun.10

COVENTRY [UK]: Interrobang 1: Regeneration. Warwick Arts Centre

A weekend long mash-ups of interaction, conversation, experiment, direct action and work in progress showings. Interrobang 1 will take the theme of regeneration as a starting point. In response to the cultural master-planning currently being implemented in Coventry and the citywide development that occurred after it was heavily bombed during the war.

23.Jun.10 - 24.Jun.10

LONDON: The Hole in Time: German–Jewish Political Philosophy and the Archive

Howard Caygill (Goldsmiths): ‘Paul Celan’s Visual Archive’
Matthew Charles (Middlesex): ‘The Snow Line of the Archive: Benjamin On the Trail of Old Letters’
David Cunningham (Westminster): ‘Abstract Times: Benjamin, Kafka and the Modernism of Tradition’
Rebecca Dolgoy (Montreal/ FU Berlin): ‘The Work of Art as Archive: Adorno’s Zeitkern as Time Capsule’
Sami Khatib (FU Berlin): ‘The Messianic and the Archive: Walter Benjamin’s ‘Politics of Time’’
Veronika Koever (Queen Mary): ‘Reversing the Irreversible: Jean Améry’s ‘ressentiments’ & the Moralisation of Time’
Nicholas Lambrianou (Birkbeck): ‘Figures of Interruption: Philosophical Dramas of Temporality & History in Benjamin and Rosenzweig’
Nitzan Lebovic (Tel Aviv / Sussex): ‘Paul Celan: Language of Loss at the Heart of Time’
Manu Luksch (London): ‘Moonwalking in Real Time’
Andrew McGettigan (Central Saint Martins) ‘Archive & Idea: Walter Benjamin’s Experiences of Time’
Reut Paz (Humboldt University Berlin): ‘The Legal Transcendentalism of Hans Kelsen as a Hole in Time’
Leena Petersen (Sussex): ‘Messianic Libertarianism and Linguistic Philosophies of History in Benjamin and Related Writings of His Time’
Wesley Phillips (Independent): ‘On the Concept of Counter-Tradition’
Shela Sheikh (Goldsmiths): ‘The Wounded Archive: Derrida Reading Celan’
Dan Smith (Chelsea School of Art and Design): ‘Overlooking Bloch: Contemporary Art and Utopia’
Tommaso Speccher (FU Berlin): ‘The Hole in Space: Fragmenting and Re-piecing the Archive between Walter Benjamin and Daniel Libeskind’
Elina Staikou (Goldsmiths): ‘Vigil of the Archive: On Derrida Dreaming Benjamin’


Christian Wiese (Sussex) / Esther Leslie (Birkbeck) / Leena Petersen (Sussex) / Keston Sutherland (Sussex) / Nitzan Lebovic (Tel Aviv/Sussex) / John Roberts (Wolverhampton).


LONDON: Party With Purpose & Exstatic Sounds

8 pm - 6 am 3 Rooms of Live Music // DJ's // Bands // Acoustic Performance // Visuals // Chill Out Area <p> Party to raise funds for the Akha community to improve communication across borders (China, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand), assert the value of being Akha, and promote sustainable development grounded in indigenous knowledge, practices and wisdom.<p> The Akha Network (MAPS) we are working with has just completed an Akha literacy pilot project - see the project report [<img border="0" src="files/pictures/allg/pdf.jpg" /><a href="">pdf</a>] for more information.<p>
E-MAIL Emma, PARTY.WI.PURPOSE@GMAIL.COM OR TEXT 07888 691737 FOR ADDRESS; £6 before 10pm  // £8 guestlist // £10 door<P>

Friday 18th June // 8pm - 6am at a Warehouse close to Brick Lane <p>
Fancy dress theme: “oh my god I can’t believe you wore that!!!”<p>
3 Rooms of Live Music // DJ's // Bands // Acoustic Performance // Visuals // Chill Out Area <p>
Room 1: Hosted by Party With Purpose<p>
The Long Fingered Bandits Live
Ftang Fftang (DJ, Trumpet, Drums, Percussions)
Plastic Pippo (Sweat)
The Zoop Agenda (DJ Set)
Dominator & Jacobi (Kiss The Fist)
Room 2: Hosted by Exstatic Sounds<p>
Canary Fontain vs Zippy (Mean // Serialism // Maison Close)
Onirik (Serialism // Mean)
Neri Jass (Good:Vibe // Exstatic Sounds)
James Monday (Freitag // Exstatic Sounds)
Voigtmann (ToiToi // Exstatic Sounds)
Martin Lange (Exstatic Sounds // Good:Vibe)<p>
Room 3: Acoustic and Chill Out<p>
Boycott Coca Cola Experience Live ,
Amira Kheir (Sudanese/Italian singer-songwriter),
Manu + Mukul<p>
Visuals by: Two Long Peoples<P>

 <img border="0" src="files/pictures/akha/201006Akha.jpg" />


HANNOVER [D]: Themenabend "Videoüberwachung"

20:30 Esc[Ctrl]-Reihe: Themenabend "Videoüberwachung". Referent Michael Ebeling, AK Vorratsdatenspeicherung, und Projektion des Films "FACELESS" (A/GB 2007), Kino im Sprengel, Hannover


GRAZ [AT]: Shared Space – Perspektiven für eine neue Kultur des öffentlichen Raums

19 Uhr: Filmabend in Kooperation mit der DIAGONALE, Festival des österreichischen Films. Faceless, Regie: Manu Luksch, A/UK 2007, 50 min
Body Trail, Regie: Michael Palm & Willi Dorner, A 2008, 8 min
begleitend zur Ausstellung 'Shared Space': eine neue Strategie zur umfassenden Gestaltung des öffentlichen Raums als Ausdruck, Medium und Bühne des sozialen Lebens. Entstanden aus dem engeren Themenkreis von Verkehrssicherheit und Straßenplanung ist in den vergangenen Jahren ein erfrischend neues Gestaltungsparadigma herangewachsen, das eine radikalisierte Form von Partizipation eröffnet und den öffentlichen Raum konsequent als multifunktionalen Raum erfasst. Dieser Raum wird neu gestaltet und belebt, nicht reguliert und zerteilt. Die Aufenthaltsqualität vor Ort wird in den Mittelpunkt gerückt. Shared Space ist der von allen gemeinsam genutzte Raum, der offene Raum im Herzen der Gesellschaft.
Haus der Architektur, Palais Thinnfeld, Mariahilferstraße 2, 8020 Graz



videoclub & Index on Censorship present BEYOND SURVEILLANCE, curated by Manu Luksch. A screening of art works developed in response to and in counteraction against surveillance technologies, with a panel of speakers discussing the consequences of and alternatives to surveillance in our daily life.

What are the consequences of surveillance on our daily lives? Is surveillance provoking a climate of self-censorship? Is a society without a paternalistic infrastructure of control, such as surveillance and censorship, possible?

As surveillance technologies become more ubiquitous – from CCTV to data-mining on websites to mobile phones to Google streetcar – does it not become ever more important to consider the implications and to develop creative, radical responses, counteracting and reversing acts of surveillance?

Artist and curator Manu Luksch has selected several works which explore differing aspects of re-activism to surveillance technologies; selected artists include: Michelle Teran, David Valentine, Caspar Below, and The Bureau of Inverse Technology.

-       Caspar Below – artist
-       Julia Farrington – Head of Arts at Index on Censorship
-       Manu Luksch – ambientTV.NET / artist
-       David Valentine – artist

Manu Luksch is highly celebrated for her work investigating the use of surveillance technologies in artistic practice:
In particular her work Faceless has been internationally recognised and celebrated for its approach in exploring CCTV / surveillance technology in society.

23.Apr.10 - 22.Sep.10

GIJON [SP]: LABoral. El Proceso como Paradigma: Love, Piracy...

Before the background of unforeseen global processes, credit crash and climate change, the exhibition El proceso como paradigma researches the nature of processes and self organising, processual systems on a cultural level and in the arts. El proceso como paradigma puts forward the idea that today processes have become one of the major paradigms and creative strategies in contemporary art and design across the disciplines. The show reveals the elementary shift from a culture based on the concept of manifestation and the final product to a culture of process resulting from a networked society. Consequently, the show introduces a new understanding of process-based art which goes beyond previous definitions. Process as Paradigm suggests that the new process-based art is the art of the 21st century. (curatorial statement by Lucas Evers and Susanne Jaschko)


BIRMINGHAM [UK]: Fierce ‘Caravan of Artists’ 2010-11

On 15 April we will be showing the book launch performance & installation LOVE, PIRACY as part of the introductory launch of the Fierce Festival in Birmingham, leading up to a new project culminating in February 2011. AE Harris in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter.

13.Apr.10 - 15.Apr.10

LONDON: A Global Surveillance Society?

At this 4th Biannual Surveillance and Society Conference, Manu Luksch will introduce a programme of works, which are exposing legal, social, and aesthetic dimensions of CCTV surveillance systems through artistic investigation.


LONDON: Movana Chen @

Movana is staying at for her project "Traveling into your Bookshelf", supported by jump+. Movana is Hong Kong -based artist, "exploring wearable art by creating "body containers" sculptures, which are to examine the relationship between clothes and the media, and also to reflect on our consumption of disposable commodities. Through the knitting of these multi-languages hidden with the magazine papers, we learn about communication. It creates an alternative way of reading and exploring art as a dialogue between visual language and the viewers." (artist's website)

07.Apr.10 - 10.Apr.10

TOULOUSE [FR]: Empreintes Numériques #4

Screening of Faceless and other videoworks on surveillance by Manu
Luksch at Empreintes Numériques #4. Festival statement: Nous vivons dans un monde sous surveillance…

panopticon empreintes numeriquesLes traces que nous laissons sur le réseau ne font déjà plus partie de notre vie intime; elles alimentent le profil de nos doubles virtuels dans le monde numérisé.

Tout comme la carte n'est pas le territoire, un monde virtuel, reflet du notre, prend forme dans l'ADN binaire des ordinateurs. Ainsi chacun de nous contribue au projet de numérisation de la totalité des objets du monde que se donne pour objectif le marché interconnecté.

Ce monde virtuel, concrétise le vieux rêve du panoptique universel. Il permet aux différents systèmes de contrôle inhérents aux technologies numériques, une surveillance officielle ou secrète de nos vies, nos images, nos sentiments, nos désirs, nos projets ...


POITIERS [FR]: FACELESS @ Raison d'Agir festival

Screening of FACELESS at Raison d'Agir festival in Poitiers.


LONDON: Stuart Bowditch @

Sound artist Stuart is presenting some of his works at 4 pm onwards; DJ set plus lots of art including The Vibe Cube installation (with Damien Robinson) and music from Dollboy (DJ Set) Konntinent vs Isnaj Dui plus more tbc

18.Mar.10 - 20.Mar.10

LONDON & international: ElectroSmog Festival

ElectroSmog Festival of sustainable immobility will take place telematically through scheduled video chat channels. London node Chelsea College invites to join at location for some of the scheduled events. Manu Luksch, Mukul Patel and ambient.lounge guests Armin Medosch, Lorax and Oncler, are participating on Friday, 19 March 19:00 (GTM), at "Public media art projects and sustainability".



FACELESS will be screened at 20.00 at CAMP's rooftop studio in Bandra. All welcome! Mukul will play music afterwards. See link for directions. 


BOMBAY/MUMBAI [IN]: Love, Piracy and the Office of Religious Weblog Expansion

Participatory performance/installation and book launch on CAMP's rooftop studio space in Bandra. Followed by a screening of FACELESS and music into the night. Check the link for directions. All welcome!


AHMEDABAD [IN]: FACELESS screening and discussion

Following the participatory performance/installation and book launch 'Love, Piracy, and the Office of Religious Weblog Expansion', there will be a screening of FACELESS n the auditorium of the School of Architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. Mukul will be present afterwards for a discussion of the policing of urban space and information space. All welcome!


AHMEDABAD [IN]: Love, Piracy and the Office of Religious Weblog Expansion

Participatory performance/installation and book launch in the thesis room of the School of Architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India (15.00 - 18.30).

Followed by a screening of FACELESS (19.30 in the auditorium) and a discussion on the policing of urban space and information space.

All welcome!


KINGSTON [ON] Surveillance Studies Centre: SCAN

1:30 - 2:30pm: Film Screening of Faceless by Manu Luksch, Art Centre Atrium. Introduced by David Murakami Wood

30.Oct.09 - 10.Jan.10

NOTTINGHAM [UK]: No Visible Means of Escape - Contemporary Art, Imprisonment and Surveillance

The Nottingham Castle Museum will show FACELESS by Manu Luksch as part of the exhibition 'No Visible Means of Escape'.