projects 2010
Love, Piracy, and the Office of Religious Weblog Expansion
book available at Amazon Live art installation and collaborative reading project, based on a text about censorship in Iran... [VIDEO mp4]
ElectroSmog Festival
The ElectroSmog Festival of Sustainable Immobility takes place telematically on scheduled video chat channels. London-based node, Chelsea College of Art & Design, invites to join for some of the events. Manu Luksch, Mukul Patel and ambient.lounge guests Armin Medosch, Heather Ring, and the Lorax are presenting on Friday, 19 March 19:00 (GTM), at "Public media art projects and sustainability". Free, booking essential. info[at]ambientTV.NET. where:
blue-sky blueprint / Architekturbüro LichtPause
21 Sept - 23 Oct 2011: exhibited at CGP LONDON: Café Gallery, SE16. A radical re-visioning of public spaces as learning environments, this short film results from an unusual collaboration between architectural modellers and the (primary) researchers and designers – local children.
Kayak Libre
18-19 FEB 2012: Taking the Waters SUFFOLK. Canal trips by kayak taxi. The fare is a conversation...