[ 6] Baq moq-ar ler
Akha Tobacco
Traditional Akha song sings by all of the Akha in S-east Asia

Baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
O! We have to be a muse, have to be a muse

Bar moq bar ter ma teq dov le zaq jaq-a ler-er baq moq-a le
We have to be a muse for the song we are singing

Baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
O! We have to be a muse, have to be a muse

Aq kaq yav xawq pavq lawvq nga nyoer-ar ler
The Akha tobacco is green like bananaıs leaf

Miq chmq yav xawv xawq shuir xawq yehv-a ler
The Dai tobacco is yellow like shining gold

Baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
O! We have to be a muse, have to be a muse

Xawq pavq ya ma naq bawr-angr dur-a ler, xawq bawr ler ya ma le langr nyovq-angr dur-a ler
baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
The tobacco leaf is big like an elephant ear, the tobacco tree is as big as an elephantıs trunk

Baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
O! We have to be a muse, have to be a muse

Tiq pavq ceuv cehv hgoeq kar byang-a ler, tiq bawr ler coer cehv mir ma hgoeq gangq byang-a
ler baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
Pick up one tobacco leaf and it can fill nine baskets, cut down one tobacco tree and it can fill nine worlds

Baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
O! We have to be a muse, have to be a muse

Cawq hgovq paw neh ba shuir-aq ler, xawr cov paw neh ba nyoeq-a ler-e baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
Drying in front of the fire place, drying in the front of fire place in the house

Baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
O! We have to be a muse, have to be a muse

Yehr levq smq pov ciq angr-aq ler, char lar smq pov ciq lawvq-aq ler-e baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
If it is raining take the tobacco back three times, if the sun is shining, then take it to dry three times

Baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
O! We have to be a muse, have to be a muse

Jeq haq deh dangq-angr jawr-eu miq jaq jaq chur-a ler, jeq haq tangq mehr jawr-eu zaq jaq yaw muiq-a ler-e baq moq-ar le-oq ba moq-a le
O! Beautiful girls who leave southern part of Chiang Rai market, O! Handsome boys who leave northern part of Chiang Rai market

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