[8] Hgehq ar yehv
Cherry blossom
Written by the Chinese Akha, X-banna Province, Southern China

Dzangr tav zaq guq jawr-eu xangq-angr, gawq dur baq hga jav luvq ngar-a
The mountainous area where the youngster¹s lives has hills and valleys

Baq hga paw hgeh haw ka hgeh nar-aq, bawr cang jir deuq nyiq mawr yaw gm-ehr zaw-awr ir luvq ngar-a
When he looks down into the valley, he sees the forest birds flying in pairs

Gawq dur paw hgeh haw dav levq nar-aq, Hgehq-eu ar yehv yehv lar shaw-euq ngar-a
When he looks up to the hill side, Cherry blossoms are blooming already

Hgehq-eu ar yehv yehv-eu yamq dzeur ir nar-aq, noeq saq-eu jawr la dov le shaw-euq ngar-a
And after the time for cherry blossoms has passed, the times of the dry season comes and worry

* Ar yehv deuqŠyaw-ehr par shaw-eu nyaŠ.
Those flowersŠsuch a nice smellŠ

arlu hawr-eu bya deuq chuv-awr byawq luvq ngar-a
Butterflies and bees fly to flower and fun

Heu lov tehvq mir-a laq?
Is it all over?

Yawq ha hgoer gaq-eu hgaq
The one we used to know as a friend

Ar yehv lovq-ehr bi muiq mawvq nya
I wanted to be beautiful like flowers

Yawq ha jawr xangq-angr noreq dov lar nar-aq! aq nyir-or de-eq
When thinking about where we used to live, oh! Sister

Yawq jawr yawq nav noeq mawr hawr
Thinking of you all the time

Hgoer-eu nui gaq byang-awr jawr luvq ma (*2 times)
My heart has never been away and I think of you all the time (*Repeat)

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